Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Paris, Namdemun house, St Christophers

First off, let me say I'm sorry for not blogging and posting as much as I should. I've been running around like a fool the past couple weeks just trying to see everything Paris has to offer. Also, I'm traveling around Europe and I generally don't care if I use incorrect grammar in my blog because I have very little time to do this, so if you don't like it then don't read it. Simple as that. Enjoy :)

I arrived back into Paris from Rouen on the 16th. My friend DJ, who is also in Paris doing his project on photography, met me at the train station and we went to my Hostel from there. I stayed at the Plug-inn which was right near the Moulin Rouge. It was an awesome hostel, but kind of a interesting area. During the day it was tourist central and was packed with people, but at night the area became very sketch. Dj and I went to get crepes late one night because we were hungry and we walked along the street that the Moulin Rouge is on. Almost every other shop on that street was a sex store, or a strip club, or a burlesque style club. The people around the area were quite the characters. We had a few people ask us if we wanted to smoke hashish, and I politely turned them down. It was fun though, the area was cool.

The days are starting to run together now, so I'm just going to list things I have done in random order.
-Went to the Shakespeare and Co. book store. It was awesome. Really cool book store filled with any type of book you could ever want. I bought 'The Bell Jar' by Sylvia Plath, and 'The Hours' by Michael Cunnigham. I've already finished the Bell Jar and it is easily my most favorite book at this point in time. After the bookstore we went to a cafe and had lunch. I ordered a chicken sandwich and it was a very, very strange chicken sandwich. The chicken was cooked in a way I've never seen before and the sauce on it was very tangy and odd tasting. I mainly ate the fries with it and that was it. After lunch we went to Notre Dame, which happened to be directly across the river so it was about a 3 minute walk to get there. Dj went back to his apartment to grab his camera while I stayed outside Notre Dame and read. It's quite the beautiful church. It's larger and just a lot different than I expected. Dj was taking a while so I went in and walked around the whole church by myself. It was beautiful. The pillars, the building, the massive stained-glass windows, and the large stone memorial statues were awesome. I also went into a separate room that you had to pay a few Euros to get into that contained old vestments that priest, popes, bishops, and other various figures had worn. It included old relics and elaborate things that are typically used during church. I'm blanking on the names, but they are the things that hold the eucharist when it isn't out during mass...tabernacle? maybe...Anyways it was all breathtaking. The thing I've found to be the most awesome about going to all these museums and historic sites is how old and how much history they have. Hundreds and hundreds of years old. I've never seen anything like it.
-The next few days Dj and I kind of just bummed around. We walked around Paris in different areas and just went wherever. It wasn't anything spectacular, we were just aimlessly walking around the city.
-I only stayed at the Plug-inn for about three nights. After that it was off to the Paris Namdemun Guest House. I had read many reviews on this place, all of them were singing praises for how awesome it was, how nice the people were, and how much of a fun environment it was. I was in for quite the surprise. Immediately when I arrived I realized it wasn't like any typical hostel. It was basically a guest house with dorm style rooms. It was incredible how nice the owners were. The lady who runs the place, Sun, is an absolute gem of a person. That was a nice change from hostels. Being at an actual house was a nice unwind and break from the generally loud hostels I had stayed at previously.

To be continued....